Truth and Service

We are committed to teaching our learners that there is always room to adapt and learn new things as environments change…

Hello, Welcome!

Crimson Dawn International School takes a child centered approach to learning rather than a teacher centered approach. We know that students have the answers or at least the building blocks to the answers they need.
We therefore employ innovative pedagogy that allows them to discover knowledge by themselves while teachers guide them.  that help our learners avoid rote learning.

What We Stand For

Continuous Learning

We are committed to teaching our learners that there is always room to adapt and learn new things as environments change…

Proudly Ghanaian

We are extremely proud of our Ghanaian heritage and use every opportunity to celebrate our culture.

Problem Solvers

The moment they step on our campus, our learners are given the skillset to break down problems and find solutions on their own.

Enroll now for the best education and training for your ward. We provide a safe and developmentally friendly environment for Preschool and Basic Education and nurture children with excellent professional skills

Our Mission is to educate and empower the lives of
Children, Teachers and Parents